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What To Expect At Your Microblading Appointment


When you first come in, your artist will have you sit down and fill out a consultation form. As you are filling out the form, your artist will apply a thick layer of lidocaine cream and seal it with a plastic cling wrap. During this time, your artist will set up their station and will answer any questions or concerns you may have while going through the forms. Once you have finished numbing and filling out your forms, your artist will being the next process.


Now that you are all numb and comfortable, your artist will ask you two major questions: What are your brow goals and what color do you use to fill in your brows. During this time, your artist will be assessing multiple factors regarding the client to determine the best shape, color, and so forth. Questions that may be asked include: Do you want something more bold or natural? Are you more minimal when it comes to wearing makeup or not? Which brow of the two is your favorite? Shaping is the most time-consuming portion of the appointment as it sets the tone for the rest of your procedure.

Once all questions have been asked and assessed, the artist will draw the eyebrows directly on the client’s face with either cosmetic pigment that will be used during your procedure or a waterproof eyebrow pencil. Your artist will make sure that you are satisfied with the shape before the procedure by analyzing them in front of a mirror. If any changes need to be made, they will be made at this point.


Your artist has finished numbing and shaping you, now it is time to get microbladed! Your artist will typically go through both brows in three passes. Gel lidocaine is applied in between each pass to ensure that you are comfortable. The actually microblading process should take anywhere between 30 minutes to 1 hour. When your artist has determined that you are done, you will sit with a pigment mask on your eyebrows for a couple of minutes to push pigment inside of the strokes. Your artist will wipe it off and it is time for the grand reveal! You will see your new beautiful brows in a mirror and your artist will ask you if you want any strokes added in that she may have missed. We want to make sure you have a say in your brows! Expect for your brows to be puffy, red, and feeling like a sunburn. This should all subside later in the day. Your artist will apply a thin layer of healing balm onto your brows and you are good to go! Our previous blog post has a section regarding what you can expect after your microblading appointment, you can check it out with the button below.


Microblading requires a second (touch-up) appointment which is included in the cost you paid at your first appointment. A touch-up is necessary because all skin retains the pigment differently. After 4-8 weeks, the client should come in for their touch-up and your artist will determine if your brow color needs to be warmed up, cooled down, darker, or lighter. In addition, you have the power to let them know if you want to go darker, lighter, or thicker in size. At HLT, we want all of our clients to leave feeling effortlessly beautiful.

Behind the Scenes of a Microblading Appointment at HLT

